I had some friends round for lunch last Saturday and was faced with the dilemma of what to give them as an aperitif, as these friends are not white wine, sherry or fizz drinkers. Amazing that we're still friends, really!
I decided to fall back on the traditional g&t, so headed over to Waitrose, which my henchgirl refers to as "the 'Trose" but not being Scottish I doubt whether I can carry this off. The usual range was on the shelves but as there were no enticing special offers I thought I might go for something a bit different. So when I saw this weird-looking blue gin, price £24.99, I fell for it. It was partly the colour and partly the London aspect which ticked my local pride box, as Northampton is sadly not famous for its gin, but only the Carlsberg brewery.
It's definitely pretty! It's also 47% alcohol which I hadn't realised until I looked at the bottle just now. No wonder lunch went with such a swing... It's surprisingly nice and I've found some more info about it here, but am not sure it beats Plymouth and certainly doesn't beat the vintage Blackwood. I'm glad I tried it, and the dry martini in the photo is going down a treat, but I won't be rushing to buy it again.
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