Sunday, February 09, 2014

Two Perrins and a Parent

aka Recent Drinking Round-up!

No particular wine-drinking themes appeared in January but I've been making more notes in my trusty red notebook and so here are reports on three wines that we tried.

First, this Meursault Villages 2008 from Vincent Perrin. We first tried this when we visited the domaine on New Year's Eve 2012 and I was immediately sold. My kind of Meursault. Fortunately ACC procured stocks and so we're currently tucking into G's as mine are still in storage.

We decanted it just before drinking, and it was a nice pale gold colour. On the nose there was classic Meursault oak and butteriness but also lemon and a floral quality. On the palate it was very well-balanced and typique. The verdict: dangerously drinkable! We thought it would get a 9 on the premier cru project scale, praise indeed. It's ready to go and won't improve but there's no particular rush. I look forward to drinking the rest over the next year or two.

Also by Vincent Perrin, this Volnay 1er cru Les Gigottes 1998. We decanted it for an hour and a half. It took a few minutes to open up but when it did, succulent fruit emerged. We had a debate about exactly what colour currants were involved. G claimed there was some whitecurrant in there. I'm not sure I even know what whitecurrants taste like! For me, it wasn't the strawberry/raspberry kind of red burg, but darker fruit, definitely blackberry, and a hint of gaminess and leather. The tannins are fully resolved and it's very smooth. Again, a 9 on the pc scale. Admirable, mature burgundy. We've actually had this twice recently - the second bottle with my brother and sister-in-law on Friday - it went very well with slow-cooked lamb shanks. Now there's just one bottle left!

Finally, last weekend we drank this Pommard la Croix Blanche 2008 from Anne Parent. We gave it a couple of hours in decanter. It was a serious, intense, powerful wine ("tres Pommard") with hedgerow fruits according to G. We had it with steak, which worked well - it definitely needed red meat. It was clearly a wine of quality and a marked step up from Bourgogne Rouge. I have a case of the 2007 vintage and on the basis of this, I think I will get it out fairly soon, since '07 was a relatively light and charming vintage.

Some events are on the horizon including G's famous annual Madeira dinner on Tuesday. I shall report back!

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